Monday 29 April 2013

Quick Heal AntiVirus for Linux protects the system from computer viruses, prevent their spreading and disinfect the infected files. It contains GUI and Command line scanner. User can use any of the Scanner to scan the system. It also provides a robust and real-time protection against viruses. This protection runs on the system and scanning every files operation. It scans access requests and allows the operation to proceed or denied it if a virus was found (or other limitation). Virus definition updates are released constantly. This product has regularly passed the stringent test of Virus Bulletin and achieved VB100% award.

System Requirements:

Platforms (32-bit)
Redhat 8, 9, Redhat Enterprise Linux 4, 5.3, Fedora 7, 12, 13, 14, SuSE 7.2, 7.3, SuSE ES 10, SuSE ES 11, BOSS, Mandrake 8, 9, 9.2, Mandriva 2008, CentOS 5, Ubuntu 7.10, 10.4 LTS

Platforms (64-bit)
Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.3, Fedora 13, 14, SUSE ES 11, Ubuntu 10.4, 10.4.1 LTS

NOTE: It is Just and Information, don't think this post is to provide the download link for the antivirus.



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